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von der Porten, S., Bhattacharyya, J., Myers, M., and Woods, S., (2021) “Water is the Basis for Everything”: Xeni Gwet’in Watershed Plan. Xeni Gwet'in First Nation Government.
von der Porten, S., (2021). Huu-ay-aht Social Services Project Evaluation. Huu-ay-aht First Nations Government.
Podlasly, M., Lindley-Peart, M., and von der Porten, S., (2021) Indigenous Sustainable Investment: Discussing Opportunities in ESG, First Nations Major Project Coalition.
von der Porten, S., Ota, Y., and Mucina, D. (2021). Indigenous knowledge, knowledge-holders, and marine environmental governance. In The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge, (Eds) Thornton, T.F. and Bhagwat, S.A., Taylor & Francis, pp. 356-363.
Podlasly, M., von der Porten, S., Kelly, D., and Lindley-Peart, M., (2020) Centering First Nations Concepts of Wellbeing: Toward a GDP-Alternative Index in British Columbia. British Columbia Assembly of First Nations.
Harden-Davies, H., Vierros, M., Gobin, J., Jaspars M., von der Porten, S., Pouponneau, A., Soapi, K. (2020). Science in Small Island Developing States: Capacity Challenges and Options relating to Marine Genetic Resources of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Report for the Alliance of Small Island States. University of Wollongong, Australia. 30 October 2020.
von der Porten, S., Ota, Y., Cisneros-Montemayor, A., and Pictou, S. (2019). The Role of Indigenous Resurgence in Marine Conservation. Coastal Management, 47(6), 527-547.
von der Porten, S., Corntassel, J., and Mucina, D. D., (2019). Indigenous nationhood and herring governance: strategies for the reassertion of Indigenous authority and inter-Indigenous solidarity regarding marine resources, AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 15(1), 62-74.
Terbasket, C., and von der Porten, S. (2019). Upholding Indigenous Leadership on Species at Risk in BC. Report prepared for the B.C. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.
von der Porten, S., de Loë, R.C., and McGregor, D. (2016). Incorporating Indigenous knowledge systems into collaborative governance for water: challenges and opportunities, Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(1), 214-243.
von der Porten, S., Lepofsky, D., McGregor, D., and Silver, J. (2016). 

Recommendations for marine herring policy change in Canada:

Aligning with Indigenous legal and inherent rights. Marine Policy. (74)


Moore, M-L., Castleden, H., and von der Porten, S. (2016). Consultation is not consent: hydraulic fracturing and water governance on Indigenous lands in Canada. WIRES Water, (4) 1, e1180. (Special Issue: Water and Hydraulic Fracturing.)


von der Porten, S., (2016). Working with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and traditional knowledge. Section in: Training manual for the incorporation of traditional knowledge into the identification of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs). Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada, p. 29-31.
Davidson, S. and von der Porten, S. (2015). “Conclusion”. In: Water as a Social Opportunity, Eds. Davidson, S., Linton, J., and Mabee, W., McGill-Queen's University Press: Kingston, ON.
von der Porten, S., de Loë, R.C., and Plummer, R. 2015. Collaborative environmental governance and Indigenous peoples: Recommendations for Practice, Journal of Environmental Practice, 17(2): p. 134-144.

Moore, M.L., von der Porten, S., Plummer, R., Brandes, O.M., and Baird, J. 2014. Water policy reform and innovation: A systematic review. Environmental Science & Policy, 38: 263-271..
von der Porten, S. 2014. Lyell Island (Athlii Gwaii) Case Study: Social Innovation by the Haida Nation. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 38(3): p.85-106.

von der Porten, S. and de Loë, R.C. 2014. How collaborative approaches to environmental problem solving view Indigenous peoples: a systematic review. Society & Natural Resources, 27(10): 1040-1056.

von der Porten, S. and de Loë, R.C. 2014. Water policy reform and Indigenous governance. Water Policy Journal, 16(2), p. 222–243.
von der Porten, S. 2013. Collaborative Environmental Governance and Indigenous Governance: A Synthesis. Thesis in Doctor of Philosophy in Environment and Resource Studies. Department of Environment and Resource Studies, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.
von der Porten, S. and de Loë, R.C. 2013. Collaborative approaches to governance for water and Indigenous peoples: a case study from British Columbia, Canada. Geoforum, 50: p.149-160.
von der Porten, S. and de Loë, R.C. 2013. Water governance and Indigenous governance: A synthesis. Indigenous Policy Journal, 23(4), p.1-12.

von der Porten, S. 2012. Canadian Indigenous governance literature: A review.
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 8(1), p.1-14.

von der Porten, S. and Terbasket, C. 2010. Under pressure: First Nations perspectives on health and access to the land. Corporate Knights, 9.2(33).

von der Porten, S. and de Loe, R.C. 2010. Water Challenges and Solutions in First Nations Communities: Workshop Report. Prepared for: Sharing Water Challenges and Solutions: Experiences of First Nations Communities. April 15-16, 2010, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.

von der Porten, S. 2009. Salty waters. Corporate Knights, 8.2(32).

von der Porten, S. 2008. Troublesome waters: Fort Chipewyan residents concerned about oil sands production. Corporate Knights, 7.2(25), p.40.

von der Porten, S. 2008. Shell and the Klappan: Coalbed Methane Controversy. Aspen Institute Centre for Business Education (AICBE).

von der Porten, S. 2007. Aguas del Tunari in Bolivia: The Water War. Aspen Institute Centre for Business Education (AICBE).

© 2020 Suzanne von der Porten.

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